To become a big business man in shoe making industry
Mr.Mahendran Sasikumar, lives Church Road, Murakodanchenai, after his secondary education he joined with DSI shoe making company in Colombo and worked few years. Thereafter, he was out of the country for 05 years, worked in Middle East as laborer. Returned back to his village and got marriage, joined for work in a small shoe making shop in Kattankudy. After working for a few year, decided to start his own workshop during night time at my house in order to make an additional income. Then left the shop and engaged in shoe making business for full time on his own. Due to lack of capital for investment, he gets wholesale order from buyers, they provide the design and materials, and he sell back to them with my commission for the work done. All products were marketed under private owners name those who provide design and materials.
“I want to become a big business man in shoe making industry with my own brand and own show room in near future. As my business grow, more job opportunities will be created for those who interested to join my business.” |
When the order get increased such order work, hired 02 women to support me. I faced challenges to work in bigger scale without some important tools and machineries. When I seek for assistance approached DS office Kiran too. They explained about YED program implemented through Kiran Divisional secretariat. I put forward my application, and was selected as one of the participants to participate for 05 days business plan development workshop.
“With the knowledge gained during the workshop and follow up support by DS office, I developed my business plan and submitted back to them highlighting required support. After review of my plan UNDP offered Rs 45,000 worth of tools and small machineries through their Partner agency Kaviya, under EU SDDP program. It was a great support to increase production to meet the demand”.
“I am gradually increasing production based on demand, after registering my brand started supplying to new private customers under my brand name “Action” and “Tory”. So getting additional income”.
“Now, 04 women working with me, paying them each Rs 8,000 per month accordingly I get around Rs 40,000 per month as net income. With the earning, started building a house, nearing its completion.
I want to become a big business man in shoe making industry with my own brand and own show room in near future. As my business grow, more job opportunities will be created for those who interested to join my business.” says with lots of hope and