
Bicycle Repair – Jeyarajah Case Story

Employment creation through YED program

My name is Perinpam  Jeyarasa, married, lives in Nagathambiran Kovil Road, 10th Division , Kokkadicholai, Paddipalai division. After marriage, I encountered so many hardship without proper income to manage my family. I went Middle East but didn’t get good place to continue work for longer period, so retuned back after few years.

With his basic mechanical knowledge gained when he worked with one of his  relatives before the departure to Middle East, he set up a bicycle repairing shop at a rented place near to the main road at Kokkadicholai town. The income from the work wasn’t enough to meet his family’s day today domestic expenses as I didn’t have necessary tools and equipment to attend some special works.

“I came to know that UNDP is planning to support for young entrepreneurs in the division and it is going to be implemented via DS office. When I approached DS. One Economic Development Officer ( EDO) explained me the procedures for accessing support.    I formally made my application, accordingly I was selected and granted a sets of tools and equipment for Rs 45,000. I was so happy because the tools and equipment which I received were very important to get more works and eventually more work generated, income increased and I employed 02 more person to work with me at the repairing shop”.

In addition to the monetary support, advice and guidance during the business plan development workshop were very impressive and essential for me to learn many strategies to run the business successfully.


“From the earning, I bought a Motor bike, a cow and piece of land.  I am preparing to build house with the support of government housing scheme as part of resettlement program. Building our house is my family’s dream”.

“The business going well, I have regular customers since I have done the works satisfactorily. My vision is to further expand the business including motorcycle repair and service station. I am earning around Rs 45,000 per month as net income, I am satisfy with it at the movement”.

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