
Increased income through diversified business opportunities

Ms.Vasuki of 35 years lives in Kumaraveliyar Kiramam, Chenkalady division.  She comes from very poor family in the village, faced many hardship during her school going period without proper source of regular income. Farther died, mother went to Middle East as house maid and returned unsuccessfully with sick. With all these burden Ms.Vasuki started looking for opportunities to generate income for the family.

With the help of DS, Chenkalady, she got an opportunity to provide lunch for the staff working in the DS office. Since the income was not good enough to meet family expenses, she joined YED program implemented at divisional secretariat level supported by UNDP under EUSDDP program.  She prepared a business plan for envelop making business soon after following 05 days business plan development workshop.

“It was a great chance for me to attend this kind of very professional workshop to learn many critical areas to run a successful business. Also I received all necessary guidance and knowledge to shape up my business.” Says Ms.Vasuki.

During this period there was divisional level forum arranged by Kaviya/UNDP with the banks and financial institutions to introduce YED program works and presented all business plan prepared by the participants seeking for additional financial support. It was the first time for most of the YED participants to meet such a big financial institutions staff who were very positive about the business plan and willing to finance for viable enterprises with a reasonable interest rate. She developed good relationship with them and found useful such an introductory meeting.

“At the initial stage I had done myself all the works during the preparation of envelop making, but now I am proving employment for about 10 to 15 poor and vulnerable families in my village, pay them according to the work done on daily basis.  I make frequent visit to the sites ensuring quality of products. I have no problem for marketing envelops since I maintain quality consistently”.

“With this business planning motivation, i gradually diversified my income generating opportunities by setting up tailoring and beauty paler business, accommodating more women youth in the villages. She provides orientation and basic training to the employees about the technical aspects as per their wish and interest of the sector they want to continue”.

“On top of all these developments, very recently, I started a fresh juice making business at a local traditional food stall supported by UNDP and getting around Rs 3000 to 4000 per day. All to gather I receive a substantial income for my family” says with smiling face.

The burden   I used to stich cloth mean time I started to give envelop to DS office to get the income during the time I got the opportunity to meet UNDP organization in the DS office. The envelop income generation is very low during the time period I got five days training via UNDP and I learn may matters through the training through a one job generating income, more job opportunity process from one job to overcome the less financial situation in my family with the great support of UNDP organization and DS office create the good opportunity from cooking at home specially through training

Meantime I have beauty paler to conduct bridal dressing, in the beautician work two people are working with me. Last June 28th of 2017 through the Division Secretariat, UNDP supported build a shop run the business. I decided run the fruit shop, therefor they took me to Kandy to learn about fruits item and making Juice and food item, three days training conducted by UNDP and I stated the juice business in the village because many people will come drink juice. One day I make juice and sold, for I am earning in day today life.



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